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Enthesopathy is inflammation of the enthesis. Outcome Measures in Rheumatologic Clinical Trials (OMERACT) defined enthesopathy as abnormal hypoechoic (loss of normal fibrillar architecture) and/or tendon or ligament thickening at the site of bone attachment (sometimes containing hyperechoic foci that resemble calcifications) seen in two perpendicular planes on Doppler and/or bony changes including ensophytes, erosions, and irregularities. The causes of enthesopathy are categorized into two, namely, non-inflammatory causes and inflammatory causes. Non-inflammatory causes include trauma, degenerative, autoimmune, genetic, and metabolic. The causes of inflammation areas in seronegative spondyloarthropathy.


Enthesopathy Rheumatology Degenerative disease Autoimmune

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How to Cite
Hafiziani, & Najirman. (2021). Diagnosis and Management of Enthesopathy. Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research, 6(2), 1335-1346.