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Subcutaneous emphysema is the result of air infiltrating the subcutaneous and soft tissues. The prevalence of subcutaneous emphysema varies between 0.43% and 2.34%. Subcutaneous emphysema typically results in mild symptoms, poses no significant risk, and does not necessitate specific medical intervention. Pathologies affecting underlying tissues can exhibit greater severity and pose a risk to life. Subcutaneous emphysema is a challenge in terms of how to handle it. The treatment should initiate a focused endeavor to determine the underlying etiology of subcutaneous air dissection. This literature review focuses on subcutaneous emphysema, specifically exploring its pathogenesis and therapy strategies for people with this condition.


Pathogenesis Soft Tissues Subcutaneous Emphysema

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How to Cite
Syafitra, S. T., & Sri Indah Indriani. (2023). Pathogenesis and Minimally Invasive Management of Subcutaneous Emphysema: A Narrative Literature Review. Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research, 8(2), 4025-4035.