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Platelets are an important component in the process of hemostasis and coagulation. It’s
now known that high platelets count closely related to poor prognosis of patients with
cancer, due to their role in the hematogenous spread of cancer cells. Platelet can be
activated by cancer cells into tumor educated platelet and then cause thrombosis through
tumor induced platelet aggregation. Platelet also protect cancer cells in the blood circulation
from natural killer cells and help the transition of cancer cells from epithelial to
mesenchymal and vice versa, resulting in the process of metastasis. In the next stage of
metastasis, platelets trigger extravasation of cancer cells from primary cancer and help
adhesion of cancer cells to distant organs.


Platelet Cancer Thrombosis Metastasis

Article Details

Author Biography

Mediarty, Division of Medical Hematology and Oncology, Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine , Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia.

Internal Medicine Department

How to Cite
Erty Sundarita, & Mediarty. (2020). Cancer Progression : Focus on Platelet. Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research, 5(2), 183-189.