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Background The use of plants as natural medicinal ingredients is
increasingly in demand by the public because the plants are considered
to have lower negative effects than chemical drugs. The effect of mineran
herbs extract (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) on the histological spectrum of the
uterus and oviduct rat (Rattus Norvegicus) had been studied.Aim of
Study Aim of this study to explore the effect of meniran herbs extract
(Phyllanthus niruri Linn) on the histological spectrum of the uterus and
oviduct rat (Rattus Norvegicus) Methods Wistar rats have been challenged
with 2% NaCl in drinking water to result in fibrotic uterus and oviduct.
Phyllanthus niruri extract (200 mg/Kg) turned into given orally for 4
weeks. Matrix extracellular abundance turned into decided via way of
means of HE Staining and measured via way of means of METAVIR
Fibrosis Score. The result of this examine have been assayed via way of
means of SPSS 16. Results P. niruri extract was potent to reduce the
matrix extracellular in 2% NaCl-induced rats compared to control group
(p<0.05) in uterus. Meanwhile, P. niruri extract was not able to decrease
the matrix extracellular in 2% NaCl-induced rats compared to control
group (p>0.05) in oviduct. Conclusion P. niruri extract was potent to
decrease the matrix extracellular in the uterus of the rats, but in oviduct.


Phyllanthus Niruri Extract Fibrosis Matrix Extracelluer

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How to Cite
Mutianingsih, R., & Khairil Pahmi. (2020). The Effect of Meniran Herbs Extract (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) on The Histological Spectrum of The Uterus and Oviduct Rats (Rattus Norvegicus). Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research, 5(1), 163-167.